Guru of Lord Hanuman!

Surya Bhagavan stands for the Light of Knowledge and Wisdom. He is the All-knowing silent Witness of the entire world. He represents the World Teacher, the Giver of both subjective and objective knowledge. It is said that the Vedas are under the care of Surya Bhagavan. Young Hanuman wanted to have Lord Surya alone as his Guru. One day in the morning, Hanuman took a big leap and reached Surya Bhagavan. With folded hands he approached Lord Surya and requested him to accept him as his disciple.

Surya Bhagavan was very pleased with Hanuman’s request. However, since he is constantly on the move, he told Hanuman that he cannot stop at any point of time to teach him. Hanuman came up with a solution and told Lord Sun that he can continue his celestial journey without break and still teach him. He told Surya Bhagavan to keep moving forward and keep teaching him, and he would face his Guru and keep moving backwards at the same speed!

Surya Bhagavan was very pleased at the disciples loving persistence and agreed. Facing the teacher and moving backwards, Hanuman quickly grasped all that was taught to him by Lord Surya. He studied the four books of Knowledge (Vedas), the six systems of philosophies (Darshanas), the sixty four Arts (Kalas) and mastered the nine Vyakaranas along with the one hundred and eight mysteries of Tantra. Having completed his education, it was time for him to offer his Guru dakshina to his Guru. Hanuman asked his Guru what he could offer him, but Lord Surya said that he was more than happy to have a sishya like him, and he did not want anything from his disciple. However Hanuman insisted. Surya Bhagavan then asked Hanuman to look after the welfare of his son Sugriva (the prince of Kishkinda) and help him later in life. Hanuman agreed.

In keeping with his words to Surya Bhagavan, Hanuman was always by the side of Sugriva, and helped him enter into friendship  with Lord Rama. When Sugriva became the King of Kishkinda, Hanuman was his most trusted minister.

The famous “Surya Namaskar” is generally attributed to Hanuman in utter reverence and gratitude to his Guru Surya Bhagavan.

The Master can clearly see the spiritual destiny and the divine perfection which lie in the innermost core of the disciple. - Swami Chinmayananda

[PS: I request all to please forward and share these value based stories rich in our culture and tradition to elders, youth and children]


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